What is The WCC Society?
Ever wanted to get involved with West Country Carnivals or help to share the tradition with the rest of the world? Now is your chance, all you need is a camera or video camera, even if it's just on your phone, this will then be shared amongst our Facebook page or YouTube Channel.

What if I don't have a camera at all?
Don't worry, just tell us when you fill in the form and we will happily lend you a camera for the evening providing that we are going too!

Is this all that the Society does?
Definitely not, even if you don't feel like contributing, by 'Liking' us on Facebook, you will receive Live Photo Streaming from most of the carnivals that we attend and much more. This means that even if you are unable to attend, you will be able to view photographic highlights direct from before and during the carnival rather than waiting until the next day, although this will still contain full coverage!

How do I get involved?
Simply fill out this form and we will be in touch to tell you exactly how. Alternatively, just 'Like' us on Facebook or Subscribe to our Channel on YouTube to become part of it all!

Can I support the Society?
Yes, you can purchase our West Country Carnivals Society high visibility vest to wear for just £8.99 (Inc VAT), available in Small, Medium and Large with 20p being donated to Children In Need :